eWeek Reviews for IIS 7.5 and FTP 7.5

One of my coworkers, Vijay Sen, just forwarded the following eWeek review of IIS 7.5 to me:

The review was written by Jim Rapoza, and he said some great things about IIS 7.5, which ships with both Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 client. But what really made my day was the following things that he said about FTP 7.5:

Another welcome change in IIS 7.5 is the elevation of FTP as a full-fledged part of the server. In previous versions, setup and management of an FTP server in IIS were done pretty much separately from Web server management. In IIS 7.5, FTP administration is fully integrated into the IIS Management Console.

I found this to be a very good implementation of FTP, making it possible to quickly set up secure FTP servers and tie them to my Websites. Especially nice was the ability to easily use virtual host names for the FTP sites. All in all, the FTP implementation in IIS 7.5 is one of the best I've seen, even when compared with dedicated FTP server products.

It's great to see all of our hard work being recognized!

Open-mouthed smile

My thanks once again to everyone on the FTP and IIS feature teams that helped make this version of the FTP service: Jaroslav, Emily, Daniel, Umer, Suditi, Ciprian, Jeong, Dave, Andrew, Carlos, Brian, Wade, Ulad, Nazim, Reagan, Claudia, Rick, Tim, Tobin, Kern, Jenny, Nitasha, Venkat, Vijay. (I hope that I didn't leave anyone out!)

Note: This blog was originally posted at http://blogs.msdn.com/robert_mcmurray/

FTP 7.5 Extensibility and Visual Studio Express Editions

In earlier blog posts I have mentioned that I written the several walkthroughs to help developers get started writing providers for the FTP 7.5 service, all of which available on Microsoft's learn.iis.net Web site under the "Developing for FTP 7.5" section. In each of these walkthroughs I wrote the steps as if you were using Visual Studio 2008.

Following up on that, I received a great question yesterday from a customer, Paul Dowdle, who wondered if it was possible to write an extensibility provider for the FTP 7.5 service using one of the Visual Studio Express Editions. By way of coincidence, I used to install Visual C# Express Edition on my laptop when I was traveling around the world to speak at events like TechEd. I usually did this because the Express Edition took up less hard drive space than a full installation of Visual Studio, and I was only writing code in C# on my laptop.

To answer Paul's question, the short answer is - yes, you can use Visual Studio Express Editions to develop custom providers for the FTP 7.5 service, with perhaps a few small changes from my walkthroughs.

For example, if you look at my "How to Use Managed Code (C#) to Create a Simple FTP Authentication Provider" walkthrough, in the section that is titled "Step 1: Set up the Project Environment", there is an optional step 6 for adding a custom build event to register the DLL automatically in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on your development computer.

When I installed Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition on a new computer, I didn't have the "%VS90COMNTOOLS%" environment variable or the "vsvars32.bat" file, so I had to update the custom build event to the following:

net stop ftpsvc
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\gacutil.exe" /if "$(TargetPath)"
net start ftpsvc

Once I made that change, the rest of the walkthrough worked as written.

So, to reiterate my earlier statement - you can use Visual Studio Express Editions to develop custom providers for the FTP 7.5 service. My thanks to Paul for the great question!

Note: This blog was originally posted at http://blogs.msdn.com/robert_mcmurray/