Creating XML Reports for FSRM Quota Usage

I had a great question in follow up to the "Secure, Simplified Web Publishing using Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0" webcast that I delivered the other day, "How you can you programmatically access the quota usage information from the File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)?"

First of all, there is a native API for writing code to access FSRM data detailed at the following URL:

That's a bit of overkill if you're just looking to script something.

There is a WMI interface as well, but it’s only for FSRM events.

So that leaves you with a pair of command-line tools that you can script in order to list your quota usage information:

  • storrept.exe - Used to manage storage reports
  • dirquota.exe - Used to manage quota usage

Right out of the box the first command-line tool, storrept.exe, can generate a detailed XML report using a user-definable scope. To see this in action, take the following example syntax and modify the scope parameter to your desired paths:

storrept.exe reports generate /Report:QuotaUsage /Format:XML /Scope:"C:\"

 You can also specify multiple paths in your scope using a pipe-delimited format like:


When the command has finished, it will tell you the path to your report like the following example:

Storage reports generated successfully in "C:\StorageReports\Interactive".

The XML-based information in the report can then be consumed with whatever method you usually use to parse XML. It should be noted that storrept.exe also supports the following formats: CSV, DHTML, HTML, and TXT.

This XML might be okay for most applications, but for some reason I wanted to customize the information that I received, so I experimented with the second command-line tool, dirquota.exe, to get the result that I was looking for.

First of all, using dirquota.exe quota list returns information in the following format:

Quotas on machine SERVER: Quota Path: C:\inetpub\ftproot Source Template: 100 MB Limit (Matches template) Quota Status: Enabled Limit: 100.00 MB (Hard) Used: 1.00 KB (0%) Available: 100.00 MB Peak Usage: 1.00 KB (10/25/2007 2:15 PM) Thresholds: Warning ( 85%): E-mail Warning ( 95%): E-mail, Event Log Limit (100%): E-mail, Event Log

This information is formatted nicely and is therefore easily parsed, so I wrote the following batch file called "dirquota.cmd" to start things off:

@echo off echo Processing the report... dirquota.exe quota list > dirquota.txt cscript.exe //nologo dirquota.vbs

Next, I wrote the following vbscript application called "dirquota.vbs" to parse the output into some easily-usable XML code:

Option Explicit

Dim objFSO, objFile1, objFile2
Dim strLine, strArray(2)
Dim blnQuota,blnThreshold

' create objects
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFSO.OpenTextFile("dirquota.txt")
Set objFile2 = objFSO.CreateTextFile("dirquota.xml")

' start the XML output file
objFile2.WriteLine "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
objFile2.WriteLine "<Quotas>"

' set the runtime statuses to off
blnQuota = False
blnThreshold = False

' loop through the text file
Do While Not objFile1.AtEndOfStream

  ' get a line from the file
  strLine = objFile1.ReadLine

  ' only process lines with a colon character
  If InStr(strLine,":") Then
    ' split the string manually at the colon character
    strArray(1) = Trim(Left(strLine,InStr(strLine,":")-1))
    strArray(2) = Trim(Mid(strLine,InStr(strLine,":")+1))

    ' filter on strings with parentheses
    strLine = strArray(1)
    If InStr(strLine,"(") Then
      strLine = Trim(Left(strLine,InStr(strLine,"(")-1)) & "*"
    End If

    ' process the inidivdual entries
    Select Case UCase(strLine)

      ' a quota path signifies a new record
      Case UCase("Quota Path")

        ' close any open threshold collections
        If blnThreshold = True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' close an open quota element
        If blnQuota= True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Quota>"
        End If

        ' signify a new quota element
        objFile2.WriteLine "<Quota>"

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement(strArray(1),strArray(2))

        ' set the runtime statuses
        blnQuota= True
        blnThreshold = False

      ' these bits of informaiton are parts of a quota
      Case UCase("Source Template"), UCase("Quota Status"), _
          UCase("Limit"), UCase("Used"), _
          UCase("Available"), UCase("Peak Usage")

        ' close any open threshold collections
        If blnThreshold = True Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' set the runtime status
        blnThreshold = False

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement(strArray(1),strArray(2))

      ' these bits of informaiton are thresholds
      Case UCase("Warning*"), UCase("Limit*")

        ' open a threshold collection if not already open
        If blnThreshold = False Then
          objFile2.WriteLine "<Thresholds>"
        End If

        ' output the relelvant information
        objFile2.WriteLine FormatElement( _
          Left(strLine,Len(strLine)-1), _
          Replace(Mid(strArray(1), _
          Len(strLine))," ","") & " " & strArray(2))

        ' set the runtime status
        blnThreshold = True

    End Select
  End If

' close any open threshold collections
If blnThreshold = True Then
  objFile2.WriteLine "</Thresholds>"
End If

' close an open quota element
If blnQuota= True Then
  objFile2.WriteLine "</Quota>"
End If

' end the XML output file
objFile2.WriteLine "</Quotas>"

Set objFSO = Nothing

' format data into an XML element
Function FormatElement(tmpName,tmpValue)
  FormatElement = "<" & Replace(tmpName," ","") & _
  ">" & tmpValue & "</" & Replace(tmpName,Chr(32),"") & ">"
End Function

When the batch file and vbscript are run, they will create a file named "dirquota.xml" which will resemble the following example XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SourceTemplate>100 MB Limit (Matches template)</SourceTemplate>
    <Limit>100.00 MB (Hard)</Limit>
    <Used>1.00 KB (0%)</Used>
    <Available>100.00 MB</Available>
    <PeakUsage>1.00 KB (10/25/2007 2:15 PM)</PeakUsage>
      <Warning>(85%) E-mail</Warning>
      <Warning>(95%) E-mail, Event Log</Warning>
      <Limit>(100%) E-mail, Event Log</Limit>

I found the above XML much easier to use than the XML that came from the storrept.exe report, but I'm probably comparing apples to oranges. In any event, I hope this helps someone with questions about FSRM reporting.

Have fun!

Note: This blog was originally posted at

Upcoming IIS7 Webcasts

Okay, I have to admit, I was remiss at pointing this out earlier - several members of the IIS product team and myself are presenting webcasts on the TechNet web site for various IIS subjects throughout the month of October. Here's the schedule of upcoming topics:

We've had two webcasts already, and you can still listen to those online:


FPSE 2002 RC0 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (x86/x64)

Earlier today Microsoft and Ready to Run Software released to web the Release Candidate 0 (RC0) version of the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. This build now includes support for 64-bit Windows, and addresses several issues that we've seen since the FPSE release that shipped last April.

Listed below are the links for the download pages for each of the individual installation packages:

FPSE 2002 RC0 for IIS 7 is supported on all of the the following operating systems:

  • Windows Server 2008 (Code Name "Longhorn")
  • Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows Vista Business
  • Windows Vista Enterprise

Additional documentation about installing and using this version of FPSE 2002 can be found at the following URL:

Installing the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions:

Quoting and updating some of my notes from the last release:

It should be noted that this version of FPSE 2002 is a beta release and is therefore unsupported. Also, this version of FPSE 2002 introduces no new functionality; it is essentially the same version of FPSE 2002 that was created for Windows Server 2003 that has been updated to work on Windows Server 2008 (code name "Longhorn") and Windows Vista. That being said, this version of FPSE 2002 will enable web hosters and developers to author their web content on servers or workstations that are running IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

While this release is a beta version and not technically supported, feedback about this release and requests for information can be sent to or posted to the following web forum:

IIS7 - Publishing:
