15. November 2006
Today was the second day of Microsoft Tech∙Ed: IT Forum 2006 in Barcelona. So far everything seems to be going well, and I've had the chance to talk with some great customers. Once again, the customers that visited our booth are most concerned with Clustering/Load Balancing/Replication and IIS/PHP integration. But that being said, I had the chance to demo some great functionality for customers that dropped by.
Today I was joined by Isaac Roybal from Microsoft, who is a Product Manager in Windows Server Marketing, and we shared the booth with Eric Lawrence, who is a Program Manager for Internet Explorer:

I delivered the first of my presentations today to a crowd of 175, and my feedback scores for the presentation were about the average for the connected systems infrastructure track. The main points that attendees wanted me to do better was to not go so deep in my topics and to slow down a little. (Sigh.)
After we had finished up for the day, Sergei, Isaac, several members of the PowerShell team and I met for dinner with a couple of the guys from MySpace. Here's a shot of Sergei talking with Michael Coates, who is an evangelist on the Platform Evangelism team.

Tomorrow I don't have any presentations, so I should be hanging around the booth most of the day.